Share Your Story, Your Contribution Brightens Our Mission!

Receiving a care package from home is more than just a box of essentials; it’s a parcel of warmth, love, and a reminder of the community that stands with you. Operation Shoebox is dedicated to bridging the distance between home and where you stand guard. Your experiences, the moments of joy, comfort, and reflection that these care packages bring, fuel our mission and inspire our community.

We invite you to be a part of our ongoing story. When you receive one of our care packages, take a moment to capture the experience. Snap a photo or record a short video with your care package. Share with us what receiving this package means to you, how it connects you to home, or any particular item that brought a smile to your face.

Your stories are powerful. They resonate with those who diligently pack each box, infusing them with care and hope. By sharing your story, you illuminate the importance of this connection and bring to life the impact of a simple gesture.

How to Share Your Images and Videos with Us Safely and Easily

To ensure the safety and security of both your personal information and our online platform, we kindly request that you follow these simple steps to share your images with us:

  1. Choose an Image or Video Hosting Service: Upload your images or videos to a reliable hosting site such as Flickr, Google Photos, Youtube or any other trusted platform of your choice.

  2. Submit Your Link: Once uploaded, please copy the link to your content. Then, use the form provided below to submit this link to us.

  3. Public Use: Please be aware that your content may be displayed publicly, for instance on our website or in our testimonial carousel. Please ensure that all submitted materials are appropriate for audiences of all ages and do not contain any sensitive or classified information.


Note: Direct uploads are not accepted. This measure is in place to mitigate security risks.

"Your experiences and moments captured with our care packages mean the world
to those who pack these boxes with love and care."
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