Edited to add: Amazon has changed their format a bit and the free e-book is still available, but finding it[...]

Edited to add:

Amazon has changed their format a bit and the free e-book is still available, but finding it is a little confusing.
Instead of clicking on the buy for free option they changed it to:
Buy now with 1 Click
*This is located on the right side of the screen underneath the normal prices (electronic and print) that will be slashed out on 9-11, designating it as free.

In honor of those lost on 9-11 and as a way to support our military, Author and teacher Nikki Lewen has graciously offered a free e-book version of her Reader’s Choice 5 Star Award winning book Three Sisters: A Tale of Survival for all military personnel. This offer is only available on September 11, 2019 and there is an unlimited number of e-books so please spread the word!

*There is no code needed for Amazon, all you need to do is click on “Buy Now with 1 Click”

“I recently published a book on Amazon, that was just awarded the Reader’s Favorite 5 Star Award, and as a thank you, I am offering the e-book version for free on September 11th in honor of those lost and in thanks for the ones who serve to ensure our freedom. 
My fictional tale (Three Sisters: A Tale of Survival) deals with us not heeding the warnings of global warming and destroying our planet. A lone woman survives in the California mountains and finds herself in a position to help others. The book is meant for more mature audiences as there is some profanity and violence.
Thank you for all you do! 
Nikki Lewen


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At Operation Shoebox, we are dedicated to bringing comfort, support, and a touch of home to our brave soldiers deployed overseas. Through our efforts, we

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