December 26, 2012 Dear Operation Shoebox Volunteers, I wanted to take the opportunity to say thanks on behalf of Soldiers[...]

Daniel-G-photo-22-300x225 Daniel-G-photo-32-300x225 Daniel-G-photo-42-300x225 Daniel-G-photo-52-300x225 (1) Daniel-G-photo-63-300x225 December 26, 2012 Dear Operation Shoebox Volunteers, I wanted to take the opportunity to say thanks on behalf of Soldiers and civilians alike for the numerous Christmas stockings you sent our way. I have simply been blown away by your generosity as the stockings keep trickling in one box at a time. And even though we still may receive some after Christmas because the mail has been a little slow as of late, we will continue to pass them out to those who are in need of the items you sent our way in those stockings. In the pictures that I attached to this email, you will see both Soldiers and civilians receiving these stockings. Because you sent us so many, we were able to reach out to the civilians who work so hard to keep our FOB functioning in a proper manner. One group of civilians are those who wash, dry and fold all of our laundry on a daily basis. The other group of civilians are those who keep us fed on a daily basis. My Chaplain Assistant and I were both blown away by the response of both Soldiers and civilians alike who received these stockings. So, on behalf of all the Soldiers and civilians who have received a stocking thus far and those who will receive one in the future, thank you so much. You all are a blessing. May God bless. For God & Country, CH (CPT) Daniel G Battalion Chaplain “I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.” – Abraham Lincoln


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Care Packages for Soldiers

At Operation Shoebox, we are dedicated to bringing comfort, support, and a touch of home to our brave soldiers deployed overseas. Through our efforts, we

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Available from 10:00 – 2:00 Saturdays

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